Who is this for?
Suitable for busy executives, with flexible work routines
Mode of delivery
In person
Size of the class
No. of Classes
Flexible timetabling
Hours per class
Flexible timetabling
What learners get
Senior coach
Highly experienced senior coach
Group discussions
Group discussions and brainstorming are a great way to learn
Excellent Study Guides
EK study manual with practice questions, referenced to notes
EK mock exams
Complimentary 30-day access to Talking Test Bank on Examinator.Online
Why this course may be a good fit for you
You are an executive requiring an SFC license
You are experienced, busy and now have been asked to sit an exam.
Your schedule is fixed and predictable
You are able to commit to regular training sessions at pre-arranged times.
Group working will suit
There are a number of you requiring to pass the same exam and you will benefit from working in a group, sharing ideas.
Frequently Asked Questioned
Will I need to read the official study manual?
The official study manual contains all materials that can be examined. If you had time, a full read-through would help, however you are best to use it as reference back-up to the EK exam-focused study materials
How long do I need to spend on private study?
After a Group Executive Coaching session, you should work through practice questions in the EK exam-focused study guide and on the Examinator.online study platform. You should spend the same amount of time again, as the Group Executive Coaching sessions
What happens if I miss a training session?
The senior coach will arrange a time to meet you and explain the material that you missed, giving guidance on how best to learn that particular material
Have the EK senior coaches sat the SFC licensing exams?
Yes, all EK senior coaches have sat, and passed, the SFC licensing exams….many times