Who is this for?
Suitable for those seeking online learning
Mode of delivery
Size of the class
No. of Classes
30-60 days access
Hours per class
Flexible timetabling
What learners get
Tutor explanations recorded
All questions explained with a tutor audio recording
Practice Exams
Practice exams available under timed conditions with result feedback
Learn at your own pace
Available for 30 or 60 days at Examinator Online
Why this course may be a good fit for you
You are happy with private study, but need question practice
You are comfortable and familiar with the study material, however you now need some regular question practice to get you exam ready
You enjoy online training
You are suited to learning in an online environment and enjoy accessing material while ‘on the go’.
You prefer structured study to cramming
You like the idea of preparing for exams over a number of weeks rather than cramming over a few days.
Frequently Asked Questioned
- What does the Talking Test Bank consist of?
There are two features: topic practice questions and practice exams
- How many times can the practice questions be attempted?
As many times as you wish, within the allocated time period (30 or 60 days)
- When should the practice exams be attempted?
Practice exams should be taken once all topic practice questions have been completed.
- Examinator Online is a website. Does this mean that I can only access it from my PC?
Examinator Online is indeed a website, however it has been designed and configured to be accessed by many communication devices, including PCs, laptops, tablets and smart phones.